Only YSFReflectors marked as active are going to be exported!
You can also get a copy of the file by using following command on your YSFGateway-computer (in new format):
wget -O YSFHosts.txt
Following url-parameters are provided:
- delivers hostnames instead of ip-addresses, 0 or no option delivers ip-addresses
?net=internet (or not added)
- delivers reflectors present at the internet
- delivers reflectors present at hamnet
- delivers reflectors present at hamnet and internet (so you get a list of all reflectors online on both networks)
- delivers reflectors added with the program vesion listed in the database
- only infos for one specific reflector named by his ID (example here id = 12345)
- comma-separated-list of international country codes of countries to which reflectors should be exported. Can be 1 to n entries