Some words about name-conventions and other things...

If you want to register a YSFReflector into the central database of YSFReflectors, you have to keep following conventions in mind:

YSFReflector names and descriptions

The two fields 'name' and 'description' has limitations in their length. The length for the name is 13 characters, the length of the description is 14 characters.

The name would be autmatically completed by a prefix of your 2-letter-ISO-countrycode, separated by a " " (space). This is for making searching easier in Yaesu's "Wires-X"-mode on your transceiver. With that, you can search easily for reflectors in your country (means speaking your language), for example. Or you could pick up reflectors in a wanted destination area.

Please take this name-conventions over into your YSFReflector.ini-file to be conform with this rules!

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YSFReflector-Registry © 2016-2025 by DG9VH | Impressum | Datenschutzerklärung | Server IP: